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If enabled, horizontally align operands of binary and ternary expressions.Īlign Trailing Comments Text Editor/Formatting/AlignTrailingComments – BooleanĪllow All Parameters Of Declaration On Next Line Text Editor/Formatting/AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine – BooleanĪllow putting all parameters of a function declaration onto the next line even if Bin-pack Parameters is disabled.Īllow Short 'if' Statements On A Single Line Text Editor/Formatting/AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine – Boolean If enabled, aligns escaped newlines as far left as possible otherwise puts them into the right-most column.Īlign Operands Text Editor/Formatting/AlignOperands – Boolean

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If enabled, aligns consecutive declarations.Īlign Escaped Newlines Left Text Editor/Formatting/AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft – Boolean If enabled, aligns consecutive assignments.Īlign Consecutive Declarations Text Editor/Formatting/AlignConsecutiveDeclarations – Boolean If enabled, horizontally aligns arguments after an open bracket.Īlign Consecutive Assignments Text Editor/Formatting/AlignConsecutiveAssignments – Boolean public.Īdditional Formatting Styles Text Editor/Additional Formatting Styles – StringListĪdditional styles to pass to clang-format.Īlign After Open Bracket Text Editor/Formatting/AlignAfterOpenBracket – Boolean The extra indent or outdent of access modifiers, e.g. Whole Word Matching Text Editor/Find/Match Whole Word – BooleanĮnables or disables whole word matching when searching.Īccess Modifier Offset Text Editor/Formatting/AccessModifierOffset – Integer The list of strings recently used in replaces. Replace History Text Editor/Replace/History – StringList Regular Expression Matching Text Editor/Find/Use RegExp – BooleanĮnables regular expression matching rather than plain text matching. The list of strings recently used in searches. How Undo and Redo group your typing when it is undone and redone.Ĭase Sensitive Matching Text Editor/Find/Match Case – BooleanĮnables or disables the case sensitivity of letters when searching.įind History Text Editor/Find/History – StringList Undo And Redo Behavior Text Editor/Undo Mode – Enumeration Tab Key Indents Preprocessor Directives Text Editor/Tab Key Indents Preprocessor Directives – BooleanĮnables or disables the indentation of C preprocessor directives when using tab key indentation on a selection.

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Selects whether the numeric keypad plus and minus buttons copy and cut text. Numeric Keypad Editing Text Editor/Numeric Keypad Enabled – Boolean Permit the cursor to move into locations that do not currently contain text.

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Iterates through diagnostics either from most severe to least severe or in reported order.Įdit Read-Only Files Text Editor/Edit Read Only – BooleanĮnable Virtual Space Text Editor/Enable Virtual Space – Boolean

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When set to No, cutting a single blank line deletes the line and does not place it on the clipboard.ĭiagnostic Cycle Mode Text Editor/Diagnostic Cycle Mode – Enumeration When set to Yes, cutting a single blank line will Selects whether to place text on the clipboard when a single blank line is cut. What Copy copies when nothing is selected.Ĭut Action When Nothing Selected Text Editor/Cut Action – EnumerationĬut Single Blank Line Text Editor/Cut Blank Lines – Boolean Tab key moves to the next textual column using the line above.Ĭonfirm Modified File Reload Text Editor/Confirm Modified File Reload – Booleanĭisplay a confirmation prompt before reloading a file that has been modified on disk.Ĭopy Action When Nothing Selected Text Editor/Copy Action – Enumeration Top Margin Text Editor/Margins/Top – IntegerRangeĪllow Drag and Drop Editing Text Editor/Drag Drop Editing – BooleanĮnables dragging and dropping of selections in the text editor.īold Popup Diagnostic Messages Text Editor/Bold Popup Diagnostics – Booleanĭisplays popup diagnostic messages in bold for easier reading.Ĭolumn-mode Tab Text Editor/Column Mode Tab – Boolean The number of characters in the right margin. Right Margin Text Editor/Margins/Right – IntegerRange The number of characters in the left margin. Left Margin Text Editor/Margins/Left – IntegerRange Keep Cursor Within Fence Text Editor/Margins/Enabled – BooleanĮnable margins to fence and scroll around the cursor. The number of lines in the bottom margin. The time in days to keep unrecovered backup files or 0 to disable deletion of unrecovered backup files.īottom Margin Text Editor/Margins/Bottom – IntegerRange The time in minutes between saving of auto recovery backups files or 0 to disable generation of backup files.Īuto Recovery Keep Time Text Editor/Auto Recovery Keep Time – IntegerRange Auto Recovery Backup Time Text Editor/Auto Recovery Backup Time – IntegerRange

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